Oh memories of Murree. The best Karhai restaurant, the hotties Gallian friends of my brother's - Mustafa not included - at Lawrence College, honeymooning tourists, candy floss, bhuttas, ice cream cones mixed flavor (choclate and vanilla) and Murree Bear. I only sipped it once at a party with Alisha and then there was always an unopened can at peanut's bar that we tried. Honestly it tasted quite bad but more power to Scott Willis for this acquired taste =)
"The 20-year-old daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis is fighting her recent misdemeanor drinking-in-public charges with a vengeance, insisting that the specific kind of alcohol she’s charged with imbibing in the Union Square subway station last month — an 8-ounce can of Pakistani beer — simply does not exist.
“Defendant was drinking from an open 8-ounce can of Pakastani [sic] beer containing an alcoholic beverage,” according to the criminal complaint against blond and pretty Brown University student Scout Willis.
Trouble is, the mostly Muslim country’s lone brewery, — the Murree Brewery, founded in 1860 and touted on its Web site as Pakistan’s “oldest continuing enterprise” — doesn’t make or distribute 8-ounce cans of beer, defense lawyer Stacey Richman told Manhattan prosecutors in papers made public yesterday.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brews_willis_defense_C5Gfufc6S2UNVtaY0hNHVI#ixzz22hCF8Z8I "
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